Dear Friends,
The S.C. House and Senate reassembled last month for the second half of the 121st session. There is going to be alot going on and alot to do from January to June, but I begin with high expectations that meaningful legislation will be passed contributing to making our Palmetto State stronger and better than ever!
We Have Much To Do!
The remaining list of significant legislative challenges is long. For a couple of big issues (i.e. roads and ethics) the burden rests with the Senate which is renowned for its deliberative oratory. Some of the high profile issues that are pending include:
- Determining best method for the long-term funding of road and bridge infrastructure needs.
- Restructuring SC DOT to eliminate waste and inefficiencies while restoring confidence.
- Transforming K-12 education to address the Abbeville Supreme Court ruling while bringing 21st Century education to all students.
- Providing financial aid to flood victims, including farmers who are being driven out of business.
- Tackling tax reform in a meaningful way. Lower the state income tax rate providing tax relief for citizens while being more competitive with our neighboring states.
- Determining the costly investment failures at the SC Retirement system and fix them.
- Updating SC's antiquated eminent domain law to better protect citizens.
- Protecting the 2nd Amendment and pass concealed weapons (CWP) reciprocity with Georgia.
In order for me to have a strong voice in Columbia, I have to communicate with my constituency. And that is you! My website, newsletters, mailers, and Facebook are the communication tools that I use. It takes extra time, staff, and campaign funds to maintain these tools.
If you would like to contribute, please mail a check to Hixon for House, P.O. Box 7927, North Augusta, SC 29861.
I hope that you find this update helpful and informative. If I can help you with an issue, please let me know. Thank you for reading and allowing me to serve you.
Legislative Update – February 1, 2016
Legislative Scorecard
Thus far, 1602 bills have been filed this session with 131 being signed into law. That's 8%. In my view, it's good that so few have become law. Much of the proposed legislation isn't needed. Most often, the bills are just calling for more government intrusion into our daily lives and further restriction of our personal liberties. Intrusive, Big Brother government isn't helpful!
Halfway through the legislative session here's a scorecard of big issues:

State Government and Local News
Governor's Executive Budget
Governor Haley released her Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Executive Budget last week which addresses needs in education, public safety, and flood recovery efforts while cutting the state's annual debt service and doubling the state's reserve funds. To see more, go here.
Governor's State of the State Address
Last Wednesday, Governor Haley delivered her State of the State address. She reflected on the challenges of 2015 including the October floods, the Charleston shootings, call for ethics reform, emphasis the need for more work force development progress, advocated for her education initiatives to improve teacher quality and recruitment in rural schools, and reiterated that any road and bridge funding proposal must include reform of the S.C. Dept. of Transportation and a cut in the state's income tax rates. To see the full text, go here.
SCDOT Roads Report
Last week, SCDOT released its latest report on the "State of the SCDOT." The SCDOT maintains over 41,000 miles of roads — the 4th largest state maintained system in the nation. The Department estimates that 9% of the interstate system is in poor condition but nearly half of the primary and secondary system is in poor condition. To see the report, go here.
New Aiken County Veterans Affairs Officer
Major Dwight Bradham started last Monday as the new Aiken County Veterans Affairs Officer. He can be reached at 642-1545 by phone and at by email. If you have any veteran-related issue, please call the office for assistance. You can follow that office on Facebook and on Twitter at
Honor Flight South Carolina
Honor Flight takes World War II and Korean War veterans to Washington, DC so that they can see and experience the war memorials. The veterans do not pay for the one day trip. They are looking for WWII and Korean War veterans to go on the next flight which is this Spring. This may be the last trip as seen in this recent news story, gohere. To learn more and to see the application, go here.
Aiken County Legislative Delegation Office
The local legislative delegation office is staffed by the delegation secretary Jeannie Cadden in the Aiken County Government Building on University Parkway. Ms. Cadden works on both Aiken County and Edgefield County legislative and constituent matters. One of the services provided by our local delegation office is the processing of paperwork associated with becoming a notary public. If you need help with this or other matters, let me know by responding to this email or call Jeannie in the delegation office at 642-1694.
S.C. Tire Industry
Top Tire Producer
Our state leads the nation in the production of tires with 99,000 produced each day. Currently, Bridgestone, Michelin, and Continental operate plants in South Carolina employing nearly 11,000 people. An additional 3,000 jobs are coming with new plants by Trelleborg Wheel Systems Americas, Inc. and Giti Tire Group as well as expansion projects at other existing facilities.
Top Tire Exporter
South Carolina leads the nation in tire exports too, accounting for over 30% of the nation's overseas market which is nearly four times as much as the next closest state (Ohio).
Locally, we are both proud and fortunate to be home to two of Bridgestone's North American tire manufacturing facilities. The first plant is the passenger tire plant and the second is the off-road radial tire plant. Together, the two plants employ more than 1,700 people in Aiken County.
House Week In Review
The House of Representatives amended, approved, and sent the Senate H.3440, a bill making comprehensive statutory revisions regarding mopeds. This bill calls for mopeds to be registered and moped riders to be licensed and insured. And yes, mopeds would finally have to follow all traffic laws.
The House approved and sent the Senate H.4633, a joint resolution extending the deadline by which an independent school must apply to become an eligible institution for purposes of the educational tax credit for exceptional needs children until February 15, 2016.
Bills Introduced in the House this Week- Judiciary
A resolution stating that the Members of the House of Representatives disapprove of Donald Trump's comments and, further, that he is not welcome in South Carolina.
Prohibits the use of public funds, people, or property to enforce any form of regulation relating to firearm ownership, use, or possession.
Requires a doctor to inform pregnant women of the age of the fetus prior to performing an abortion. Requires an ultrasound to be performed and given to a pregnant woman before an abortion can be done. Requires informed consent to be received from the pregnant woman before an abortion takes place.
Prohibits dismemberment abortions. Sets penalties for performing them.
H.4637 EMINENT DOMAIN Rep. Lucas
Establishes requirements before entities can exercise eminent domain.
Establishes requirements before entities can exercise eminent domain.
Mandates a two-thirds vote by the membership of each house of the General Assembly before the removal, relocation, or renaming of monuments or memorials on public property. Also applies this requirement to structures, roads, or public areas in this state, named for wars, Native Americans, African Americans, or South Carolina historic events.
Provides that a premises owner is strictly liable for injuries sustained by a concealed weapon permit holder by a criminal subject who commits a crime on a premises that is posted with signs prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons on those premises.
Requires magistrates and candidates to become magistrates to be screened by the Judicial Merit Selection Commission.
Prevents state public funds, people, or property from being used to enforce any executive order or directive issued by the President of the United States after January 1, 2016 that regulates firearm ownership, use, or possession.
Ways and Means
This joint resolution provides that, beginning July 1, 2017, the State Fiscal Accountability Authority shall transfer the state's public four-year institutions of higher learning to a not-for-profit organization for the purpose of operating them as private rather than public institutions.
This joint resolution provides that, beginning July 1, 2017, the State Fiscal Accountability Authority shall transfer the state's public four-year institutions of higher learning to a not-for-profit organization for the purpose of operating them as private rather than public institutions.
This bill revises the General Assembly's mandatory sine die adjournment date to provide for the General Assembly to adjourn each year by the first Thursday in May instead of the first Thursday in June. The legislation makes provisions for the legislature to engage in the state government budgeting process every other year rather than annually by requiring the General Assembly to enact, beginning with its 2017 session, a biennial state general appropriations act that spans two fiscal years. Under the legislation, the General Assembly retains the authority to approve supplemental appropriations bills and capital reserve fund appropriations in both even-numbered and odd-numbered years.
This bill revises the General Assembly's mandatory sine die adjournment date to provide for the General Assembly to adjourn each year by the first Thursday in May instead of the first Thursday in June. The legislation makes provisions for the legislature to engage in the state government budgeting process every other year rather than annually by requiring the General Assembly to enact, beginning with its 2017 session, a biennial state general appropriations act that spans two fiscal years. Under the legislation, the General Assembly retains the authority to approve supplemental appropriations bills and capital reserve fund appropriations in both even-numbered and odd-numbered years.
As always, thank you for the privilege of serving you in Columbia. If I can ever be of assistance to you, or if you have ideas on issues you want me to share with the rest of the General Assembly, please do not hesitate to contact me.